Archive | January, 2013

Troubleshooting 101 – the Refresh

16 Jan

When surfing Manager, UsedIron or any other web sites you visit often, your browser stores the web page in a cache so that it does not have to be downloaded every time you visit the site, making your browsing faster (this includes photos, graphics, pages you viewed, etc.)  If these pages don’t resolve / display the way your think they should…or they are just plain slow as molasses, try the following:

  • REFRESH – allows you to reload a web page where the content may have changed over time.  Click the button with the two green arrows at the end of the Address bar (usually at the top of the browser) or hit the function key F5.
  • HARD REFRESH – will bypass any cached files and display the web page as it currently appears on the site’s server. This can also be useful to clear forms and ensure that you are viewing the page as it currently appears on the site’s server. This would be common with websites that are constantly being updated (non-static sites.) The control key is held down while clicking on the refresh button or pressing F5 (CTRL F5.)

This works with most browsers like Internet Explorer or FireFox. For information on this and MANAGER tools, CONTACT US.